Beatbox Community is happy to be back this year with the solo edition of the Online World Beatbox Championships. We have some sick prizes and a crazy judge panel!
Best of luck to everyone interested in participating this year!
1st - $1000 USD
2nd - $300 USD
3rd - $100 USD
Online World Beatbox Championships 2024
Info & Guidelines
This year we will have only the solo category. There will be a loop edition in the first half of 2025. This year, we will have a wildcard, elimination, and battle stage.
How To Enter:
For the Solo category this year, there will be three parts - Qualifying stage (Wildcards/Qualifier Battles)
- Top 25 elimination stage
- Top 16 Main Battle
There are two ways to qualify for the elimination stage, The first is to win a wildcard through a YouTube submission video.
Videos are due by October 26th 11:59PM EST at the latest. The guidelines for the video are as follows:
- 90 seconds long +/- 10 seconds
- Clean audio and minimal EQing
- No pre-recorded audio
- Decent camera, visible face, good lighting
- Video Title Format: (NAME) - Online World Beatbox Championship 2024 Solo Wildcard
Judging Criteria: Musicality, Technicality, Originality, and Structure
Wildcard Judge Panel: Kenny Urban, D-Koy, Steady
Upload your video link by October 26th to our website: https://www.beatboxcommunity.com/owbc24solo
The second way to qualify for the elimination stage is by making it to the finals in one of the four top 8 open elimination battles we will host through October.
Winners of these events will also earn $50usd.
All dates and times for qualifier battles are listed below in the description. These battles will be open elimination, first come first serve - so anyone can enter and we'll have a maximum of 40 eliminations per event.
On October 31st, we will announce 16 solo wildcard winners. They will do an elimination alongside the 8 qualifier battle finalists on November 9th to see who qualifies for the main battle on November 16th.
In addition:
- The top 3 from OWBC22 were re-invited back this year with only Xiphire accepting to compete again
-There were two OWBC qualifiers in 2023 that happened, but the main event never did so the winners have been invited to OWBC24. The two qualified from these battles are Mike from Mexico and Velkans from Brazil.
Here are all the important dates to remember:
October 12th - October 26th 11:59pm EST: Wildcard Competition
October 15th @ 11AM EST - Solo Qualifier Top 8 Battle #2
October 19th @ 11AM EST - Solo Qualifier Top 8 Battle #3
October 25th @ 7PM EST - Solo Qualifier Top 8 Battle #4
October 31st @ 12PM EST - Wildcard Winner Announcements
November 9th @ 11AM EST - Top 25 Solo Eliminations
November 16th @ 11AM EST - Online Worlds Beatbox Championships Solo Battle _______________________________________________________
All events will take place in our discord server: discord.gg/beatbox
All qualifier events and main events will be live-streamed on the Beatbox Community YouTube channel.